Eliminating Manual Data Entry

Although Web Services and Electronic Collaboration are the key buzzwords of today's economy, the majority of business is still done via manual paper-based processing. For example, supplier invoices and customer orders are still received via fax machines of yesterday. The process for handling these documents is time-consuming, error prone, and most of all unnecessary. Changing the way in which trading partners interact with you is an evolving and slow process, but changing the way your organization deals with paper transactions can be done in a few weeks.

Paper-to-ERP is removing the manual and cluttered processes of yesterday for many organizations around the globe

Is your Organization Still Operating with Yesterday's Processes?

Most organizations handle a large volume of paper based documents especially when dealing with Orders and Invoices. The process today is one that has been in existence for decades. Once a fax or letter is received, a group of employees manually enters the information in the corresponding back-end application such as SAP, Oracle, or Peoplesoft. Although this is the status quo, many companies still deal with:

  • High costs associated with manual data entry
  • Lost orders and invoices
  • Errors from manual key strokes
  • Lengthy processing times, inhibiting customer service
  • Time consuming reconciliation of transaction changes
  • In ability to automatically acknowledge and verify receipt of documents
  • High turnover rates of data entry clerks

Solution´s P2E - Paper-to-ERP

4order is designed to assist sales organizations with processing orders which arrive via snail mail and faxes. The solution automatically interprets and verifies the order information enabling customer services representatives to focus on value add services rather than manual data entry.
4invoice is designed to reduce the manual data entry of paper based invoices allowing the Account Payables employees to focus on paying invoices rather than tracking down information. Further benefits are obtained when implemented in combination with the Invoice Console and Workflow components which automatically reconcile inbound documents with existing purchase orders and route them through an organization's approval processes.

Invoice Console allows organizations to avoid the manual intervention often required to reconcile the execution of inbound invoices. Most organizations spend weeks attempting to match invoices to the system generated purchase orders. The Invoice Console ensures document matching and correct posting within the financial application (i.e. SAP, Oracle, SSA, etc. )

Approval Workflows are necessary to route business documents throughout an organizations financial approval process. Typically, an organization will have business rules that require executive approval on many purchases. Workflow accelerates these processes by coordinating and tracking the required human intervention.


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