Archiving Of Electronic Documents And Their Security

Electronic Archive is used for reliable storage of electronic documents of various formats to the required period, including the ability to display documents or verify the integrity of the archive.

  • SAFETY AND RELIABILITY - Archive contains security features to ensure message integrity, their origins and credibility.
  • AVAILABILITY – Part of the archive is a web interface for document search, view and print
  • TRUSTED DATA EXPORT - Archive can be transferred to a portable medium in the off-line version that meets all of the above properties.
  • DIFFERENT SOURCES OF DATA – The electronic archive also supports storage of data messages from data boxes and other data and unstructured messages (PDF, JPG ..)

Safety and reliability
eArchive is a trusted archive of electronic documents (eg. invoices) in EDI format, which must be stored for a period required by law, ie. 10 or more years and meets the requirements and EU legislation. eArchive is designed to meet safety standards EAL3. Its main task is to secure documents and the ability to prove their origin in time. This is done by concatenation function of stamps of messages with the use of time stamps of CA.

eArchive includes additional features to enhance comfort and safety, such as pairing of messages AUTACK (authentication of electronic signatures) with the documents in the database in case of standardized data exchange EDIFACT.

eArchive uses Web-based user and administrator interface for full system management. The system uses a system of user certificates to ensure safety and determine the user roles, but also the possibility of automatic document preview from the client information system, eg. SAP due to the fixed syntax reference of each document in the database and the possibility of direct web preview. Web interface of eArchive is available in several languages (CZ, EN, DE, PL, HU).

Trusted data export
eArchive includes functionality to export data, which could be used to transfer all or part of the content to the selected medium (CD / DVD / Blue-ray ...) and use it offline, ensuring the continuity of user and security features. Within the media you can search for documents, display / print, and of course verify their origin in time thanks to certificates and HASH carried over to the media.

Data sources
eArchive uses different data sources, where it can be connected to any system through the directory queue or via Web services. eArchive can then automatically process structured documents and retrieve from them metadata using custom parsing mechanisms (EDIFACT, XML, ..) or in case of unstructured data such as PDF, JPG... system uses descriptive file (metadata).

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